Message from Director

Welcome to ICPS Website which has been recently populated with up to date information. The Reader will find most and very useful information about the College on this website.

ICPS is recognized by Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Zanzibar (MoEVT) and it is registered by NACTE with No. REG/MBG/034P.  The institute currently has a single campus strategically located at CHUKWANI to be close to its students

ICPS  has well qualified staff and adheres to quality in its delivery of college education. The college has three major departments namely;

  1. Department of Business (Management, Administration, Procurement, Supply and Accounting).
  2. Department of Management ( Records and Archives Management and Human Resource Management)
  3. Department of Information Technology

The College has good ICT facilities; it has its own website (,

The College student population has grown over the years and the College has expanded its teaching facilities, To all students, we wish you fruitful studies at ICPS and to all stakeholders, we promise you good services based on the principles of good customer care.
